Our friends Jimmy, Jenelle and Isabella met us there as well.
The petting zoo is always a favorite.
We had plans to take him to the train park after his nap...but Brandon had to go to General Conference, so we did that another night. On Ty's birthday we went to my parent's house in the morning for breakfast since it was conference.

Ty with some of his loot.
We just love our little Ty. We think he is adorable. He is very sweet most of the time although he is definitely acting like a 2 year old on occasion and wants to be independent. He is all boy...loves being outside, loves cars and loves to dance to music! We hope this will be a good year for him and he will be a good big brother.
Ty LOVES these plasma cars and typically does this the whole time everyone else is eating.
We went home in the afternoon and then back again for dinner that night. My mom made basically a Thanksgiving dinner. Yum! Trampoline time after dinner...Uncle Andrew was even in town!
Ty's lemon cake with lemon cream cheese frosting...he thought it was yummy!
Present time! One of Ty's favorite presents was Elmo, thanks to Uncle Dayne and Aunt Myhoa! 
Milly "helping" Ty unwrap his presents.
Milly "helping" Ty unwrap his presents.
Corinne, Ty and Milly playing with some new toys!
Ty with some of his loot.
P.S. I hate blogger...this post took FOREVER because it would not let me move pictures and no matter how many times I delete them it makes huge spaces b/n things! Help!