This is what Ty frequently says as he stands by the door. Since January the weather here has been so wonderful and we have tried to take advantage of it. We play with friends outside and go for family walks. Here is Ty pushing his friend Isabella.

We go to the park, feed ducks and have tried to go to the zoo at least once each month. In January we were able to take a trip there with some great friends. That is Jenelle and Blake with me; our friend Carolyn was with us too but had already left when we took this picture.

This is Isabella and Ty mooing to the cows.

This picture was taken as Ty's hat was falling into that puddle below. He was looking at a goat. At the time I chose to believe it was just water. Right after this picture was taken Ty himself fell off the fence and landed in the "water" below. Great.

We then went to pet the goats and Ty decided he had to sit down in the dirt to pet them instead of standing...thus he became muddy. Yeah again.

When we got home it became obvious that the "water" was indeed goat pee. Ty reaked (spelling?) and his pants, socks, hat and shoes had smelly, yellow pee dried on them. Fabulous!

But...we had a good time anyway. This week and next week are in the mid 80s. It is beautiful weather but can already feel hot in the sun. I am NOT at all ready for summer and so we are trying to enjoy being outdoors while we can!